Sunday, August 16, 2015

A little progress

This morning I got to work removing the AC unit from Lucy. I found the model online and it looks like it is a 1983 Coleman air conditioner and heater. The original documentation said it weighed 133 lbs. Way too much weight to be put on the roof of the Scotty. Anyway, the interior components came off pretty quickly. 

The plastic shroud came off the top pretty easy too. That old plastic was pretty brittle. I like the look of it on the ground much better than on top of Lucy :).

After using a putty knife to cut the seal between the unit and the roof it was just a matter of time and a lot of help from a neighbor before the AC was gone for good. 

I think Lucy feels much better after getting that weight off of her back. I put a temporary patch over the hole in the roof. It will keep her dry for a few days before I can get her into the garage. 

Lucy came with a few accessories hidden in her luggage compartment. Here she is with her vintage jacks and awning. I think she looks awful nice. 

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